The initial information-gathering telephone consultation is free, so that during the first meeting in your home I can come with specific suggestions and strategies.  As I meet with you in your home, I have the unique opportunity to observe challenges as they occur and help you address them in real-time. All of my families have seen specific improvements within 4 sessions, which are typically spaced 2-3 weeks apart to allow for families to implement the strategies.


An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure:
Small changes today make big differences tomorrow

Queen Anne, Seattle, WA, United States  |  +1.571.331.0532  |  |

The Details

the big picture


full circle families

"Lori, we are absolutely pleased with your services. Your experience, commitment, and kindness worked magic for our family. Thank you very much for your support. We are very pleased with the outcome and have learned a lot from you."

Redefining your families strength: Physical, mental and emotional fortitude. "Parenting is easy" ... said no parent ever!  All parents need a little help now and then. Most families call me because they have a child, or children, in trouble (e.g., not listening, unfocused, off-track, talking back, being easily provoked, acting out at home with parents or siblings, acting out at school with peers). I work with children on what is developmentally appropriate for them to be tackling at their stage of development. I help the parents with concrete, specific, and effective strategies that ultimately help them to help their child. And I do that from the comfort and convenience of their home. The goal is for the whole family to live a more harmonious, healthy life with lasting benefits for everyone.

The family consultation fee is $150/hour for face-to-face, on-site consultation time. Program development time is non-billable (i.e., you will not be charged for the time that I spend developing specific resources, tools, and recommendations for your family). I require that we meet for a minimum of two (2) one-hour sessions to allow for initial goal-setting and for follow-up to any program design.