"I learned to be epethetic" (empathetic)

"don't be mean"

"evretheg" (everything!)

"the games"

"Relasionships rock" 

.... and one of my personal favorites:  "You're 45?!!? You're FAST!!!"

"empiphy" (empathy)

What I Learned at Full Circle Kids was.....

"To not bulley" (bully)

"coperation" (cooperation)

"about nightmares"

"Airplane control game"

"to eat difrent foob groups" (different food groups)

"I had fun"

"freeze tag"

"Kik the can"

"The I statement thing we Learned"

"I Am Thankful For cards"

What I LIKED MOST about Full Circle Kids was.....

Here's what full circle kids in k-2nd grade are saying!

"you should exercise a lot"

"food sihince" (science)

"Help people"

"that we have a magering buckets" (imaginary)

"the rope swing"

"animal hunt" (Hunter and Guard)

"playing capture the flag"


"Happy fills the bucket"

"dodgeball crack a boght" (crackabout)

"learn tesing joking and bullying" (teasing)

"pogen dodgeball" (poisonball)

"How to work together"

"ROCK - respect, openess, corporat, kindness" (cooperate)

"When we did the realay race"


"I learned about bulling" (bullying)

"to be kind"

"swamp crasing" (crossing)

"SPUD game"

​​​"The I Never Ever game"